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Framer Template
Framer Overrides
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" // Learn more: https://www.framer.com/developers/overrides/ export function withScrollTranslateY100(Component): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [150, -150]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, width: "fitContent", scale: 1, opacity: 1, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" // Learn more: https://www.framer.com/developers/overrides/ export function withScrollTranslateY100(Component): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [150, -150]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, width: "fitContent", scale: 1, opacity: 1, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" // Learn more: https://www.framer.com/developers/overrides/ export function withScrollTranslateY100(Component): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [150, -150]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, width: "fitContent", scale: 1, opacity: 1, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { useRef, type ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" // Learn more: https://www.framer.com/developers/overrides/ export function withScrollTranslateY100(Component): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [150, -150]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, width: "fitContent", scale: 1, opacity: 1, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
import { animate } from "framer-motion"; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import type { ComponentType } from "react"; export function withHoverTextAnimation( Component ): ComponentType { return function HoverTextAnimationOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // Function to pre-wrap text in spans const wrapTextInSpans = () => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Skip if already processed if (paragraph.hasAttribute("data-animated")) return; const letters = Array.from(paragraph.textContent).map((letter) => { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = letter; span.style.display = "inline-block"; // Prevent layout shift span.style.whiteSpace = "pre"; // Preserve spacing return span; }); // Replace the paragraph text with the spans paragraph.innerHTML = ""; letters.forEach((span) => paragraph.appendChild(span)); // Mark paragraph as processed paragraph.setAttribute("data-animated", "true"); }); }; const animateText = (direction: "enter" | "leave") => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Get the spans inside the paragraph const spans = Array.from(paragraph.querySelectorAll("span")); // Animate each letter in order spans.forEach((span, index) => { const delay = index * 0.015; // 15ms delay per letter animate( span, { transform: direction === "enter" ? "translateY(-100%)" // Move up on mouseEnter : "translateY(0)", // Move back down on mouseLeave }, { duration: 0.5, // 0.5s duration delay, // Stagger delay ease: [0.7, 0, 0.3, 1], // Accentuated easing } ); }); }); }; const handleMouseEnter = () => animateText("enter"); const handleMouseLeave = () => animateText("leave"); useEffect(() => { wrapTextInSpans(); // Pre-wrap text in spans on component mount }, []); return ( <div ref={componentRef} onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} // Optional styling > <Component {...props} /> </div> ); }; }
import { animate } from "framer-motion"; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import type { ComponentType } from "react"; export function withHoverTextAnimation( Component ): ComponentType { return function HoverTextAnimationOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // Function to pre-wrap text in spans const wrapTextInSpans = () => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Skip if already processed if (paragraph.hasAttribute("data-animated")) return; const letters = Array.from(paragraph.textContent).map((letter) => { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = letter; span.style.display = "inline-block"; // Prevent layout shift span.style.whiteSpace = "pre"; // Preserve spacing return span; }); // Replace the paragraph text with the spans paragraph.innerHTML = ""; letters.forEach((span) => paragraph.appendChild(span)); // Mark paragraph as processed paragraph.setAttribute("data-animated", "true"); }); }; const animateText = (direction: "enter" | "leave") => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Get the spans inside the paragraph const spans = Array.from(paragraph.querySelectorAll("span")); // Animate each letter in order spans.forEach((span, index) => { const delay = index * 0.015; // 15ms delay per letter animate( span, { transform: direction === "enter" ? "translateY(-100%)" // Move up on mouseEnter : "translateY(0)", // Move back down on mouseLeave }, { duration: 0.5, // 0.5s duration delay, // Stagger delay ease: [0.7, 0, 0.3, 1], // Accentuated easing } ); }); }); }; const handleMouseEnter = () => animateText("enter"); const handleMouseLeave = () => animateText("leave"); useEffect(() => { wrapTextInSpans(); // Pre-wrap text in spans on component mount }, []); return ( <div ref={componentRef} onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} // Optional styling > <Component {...props} /> </div> ); }; }
import { animate } from "framer-motion"; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import type { ComponentType } from "react"; export function withHoverTextAnimation( Component ): ComponentType { return function HoverTextAnimationOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // Function to pre-wrap text in spans const wrapTextInSpans = () => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Skip if already processed if (paragraph.hasAttribute("data-animated")) return; const letters = Array.from(paragraph.textContent).map((letter) => { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = letter; span.style.display = "inline-block"; // Prevent layout shift span.style.whiteSpace = "pre"; // Preserve spacing return span; }); // Replace the paragraph text with the spans paragraph.innerHTML = ""; letters.forEach((span) => paragraph.appendChild(span)); // Mark paragraph as processed paragraph.setAttribute("data-animated", "true"); }); }; const animateText = (direction: "enter" | "leave") => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Get the spans inside the paragraph const spans = Array.from(paragraph.querySelectorAll("span")); // Animate each letter in order spans.forEach((span, index) => { const delay = index * 0.015; // 15ms delay per letter animate( span, { transform: direction === "enter" ? "translateY(-100%)" // Move up on mouseEnter : "translateY(0)", // Move back down on mouseLeave }, { duration: 0.5, // 0.5s duration delay, // Stagger delay ease: [0.7, 0, 0.3, 1], // Accentuated easing } ); }); }); }; const handleMouseEnter = () => animateText("enter"); const handleMouseLeave = () => animateText("leave"); useEffect(() => { wrapTextInSpans(); // Pre-wrap text in spans on component mount }, []); return ( <div ref={componentRef} onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} // Optional styling > <Component {...props} /> </div> ); }; }
import { animate } from "framer-motion"; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import type { ComponentType } from "react"; export function withHoverTextAnimation( Component ): ComponentType { return function HoverTextAnimationOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // Function to pre-wrap text in spans const wrapTextInSpans = () => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Skip if already processed if (paragraph.hasAttribute("data-animated")) return; const letters = Array.from(paragraph.textContent).map((letter) => { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = letter; span.style.display = "inline-block"; // Prevent layout shift span.style.whiteSpace = "pre"; // Preserve spacing return span; }); // Replace the paragraph text with the spans paragraph.innerHTML = ""; letters.forEach((span) => paragraph.appendChild(span)); // Mark paragraph as processed paragraph.setAttribute("data-animated", "true"); }); }; const animateText = (direction: "enter" | "leave") => { if (!componentRef.current) return; // Select all paragraphs within the component const paragraphs = Array.from(componentRef.current.querySelectorAll("p")); paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => { // Get the spans inside the paragraph const spans = Array.from(paragraph.querySelectorAll("span")); // Animate each letter in order spans.forEach((span, index) => { const delay = index * 0.015; // 15ms delay per letter animate( span, { transform: direction === "enter" ? "translateY(-100%)" // Move up on mouseEnter : "translateY(0)", // Move back down on mouseLeave }, { duration: 0.5, // 0.5s duration delay, // Stagger delay ease: [0.7, 0, 0.3, 1], // Accentuated easing } ); }); }); }; const handleMouseEnter = () => animateText("enter"); const handleMouseLeave = () => animateText("leave"); useEffect(() => { wrapTextInSpans(); // Pre-wrap text in spans on component mount }, []); return ( <div ref={componentRef} onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} // Optional styling > <Component {...props} /> </div> ); }; }
More coming soon
import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } } ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
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import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } } ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
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import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } } ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }
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import { useMotionValue, useTransform, motion, animate, useScroll, useSpring, } from "framer-motion" import { useEffect, useState, ComponentType, useRef } from "react" import gsap from "gsap" export function withMagneticBehavior(Component): ComponentType { return function MagneticOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Motion values for x and y const x = useMotionValue(0) const y = useMotionValue(0) // Smooth spring animations for the magnetic effect const springX = useSpring(x, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const springY = useSpring(y, { stiffness: 250, damping: 30 }) const strength = 50 // Magnetic strength const handleMouseMove = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs const bounding = componentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = ((event.clientX - bounding.left) / bounding.width - 0.5) * strength const offsetY = ((event.clientY - bounding.top) / bounding.height - 0.5) * strength x.set(offsetX) y.set(offsetY) } const handleMouseOut = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (event.pointerType !== "mouse") return // Ignore non-mouse inputs x.set(0) y.set(0) } return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ position: "relative", x: springX, y: springY, }} onPointerMove={handleMouseMove} onPointerLeave={handleMouseOut} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } } ComponentType } from "react" import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0" import { motion, useScroll, useTransform } from "framer-motion" export function imageParallax160px( Component ): ComponentType { return function ScrollTranslateYOverride(props) { const componentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // Use Framer Motion's useScroll to track scroll progress const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target: componentRef, // Attach scroll tracking to this component offset: ["start end", "end start"], // Animation starts when top enters and ends when bottom leaves }) // Map scrollYProgress (0 to 1) to a translateY value (e.g., 50px to -50px) const y = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 1], [0, 160]) return ( <motion.div ref={componentRef} style={{ ...props.style, position: "absolute", inset: 0, translateY: y, // Bind the y translation to the motion value }} > <Component {...props} /> </motion.div> ) } }